Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills That Kill
This book, written by Kelly Patricia O’Meara, drives an important point home: there’s no question that people suffer, often severely, from mental and emotional issues, but what is in question is the scientific evidence that would categorize these mental issues as “diseases.” O’Meara lays out for us how these mental disorders that are now being sold as physical diseases are mostly based on theories, not actual scientific data. An example is the “chemical imbalance” theory. No psychiatrist can produce a test of a patient done to show the changing chemicals in their brain, yet much of the medical community, government and world population seem to accept the “chemical imbalance” theory as scientific fact.
Also mostly based on theory is the effectiveness of many of these psychiatric drugs prescribed for these mental “diseases.” In Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill, author O’Meara investigates the shifting of language the FDA has used to cover up potential risks and the lack of successful and effective clinical trials that have taken place with many of these psychiatric drugs. Not only are doctors and pharmaceutical companies not aware or honest enough about potential side effects, they have also failed to address the fact that many of these drugs make mental conditions worse. An example of this is suicidal ideations in children that have come after being prescribed these drugs. While it is up to the people whether they choose to take these drugs, they need to be making that decision based on truth, not blatant falsehoods.
About the Author
Kelly Patricia O’Meara is a former investigative reporter for The Washington Times’ Insight Magazine, and has written a lot of material on the fraud behind psychiatric diagnoses and the dangers of psychiatric drugs. In her 1999 cover story for the The Washington Times’ Insight Magazine, called “Guns & Doses,” she explored the connection between psychiatric drugs and senseless acts of violence. Prior to her work as a reporter, O’Meara spent sixteen years as a Congressional staffer to several members of Congress. She holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Maryland.
Beverly K. Eakmen, The Free Library by Farlex:
“O’Meara’s well-researched statistics show that Americans are awash in prescription psychotropic drugs, especially antidepressants. She makes her case right up front.”
Dangerous Psychiatric Drugs, Informed Consent, mental health diagnoses, psychiatric labelling, psychotropic drugging