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Senator Grassley Releases Shooting Log of Crooks, Contradicts Father’s Call to Police

August 12, 2024

Photo Credit: Butler, PA Police Website

Something just doesn’t seem right with the Crooks family. Above and beyond the possibility that their son tried to take out a former U.S. President, murder one and wound two others and everything that goes with that, the Crooks just seem odd, beginning with the alleged nagging phone call placed by the father to the Butler Police the day of the attempted assassination.

Remember that Thomas Brian Crooks, the father of the alleged shooter, told law enforcement that according to CBS News “Matthew Crooks called police before the shooting at the rally, concerned about his son and his whereabouts.” Fox News explained it this way. “Thomas Matthew Crooks’ parents were looking for him on Saturday in the hours leading up to the Trump rally shooting and eventually called law enforcement to indicate that he was missing, and they were worried.” Fox further embellished that “it’s unclear what his parents’ told authorities, but the call happened on Saturday before Crooks later opened fire at Trump during the rally in Butler…”

Not to be left out of this astounding where’s the shooter tidbit, the BBC, through its news partner CBS News, reported that “Matthew Crooks’ father called police because he was worried about his son and his whereabouts. It’s unclear when the call was made but it was before the shooting.” The BBC further reported that “It’s unclear what his father told police. Fox News reported that Crooks’ parents, Mary, and Matthew, told officers that “they were worried” about their son and that he had disappeared without any notice.”

But the most detailed explanation came from CNN which reported that “around 11:00 p.m. (the evening of the shooting) Crooks’ father reported him missing. His father told agents that he believed his son had taken the rifle Saturday to go to the shooting range and thought he would be back by around 1:00 p.m.” Hmmm…

Unfortunately, Butler County was unaware of any such call made that Saturday prior to the shooting. And, thanks to the work of U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, Crooks, the younger, is not listed as having shot at the shooting range on that Saturday.

All of this raises many questions. If Crooks, the father, actually made a call to the Butler police, there should easily be a record on his phone. Has the FBI requested that Crooks, the father, turn over his phone for review? Furthermore, it is beyond anyone’s understanding why the FBI has not provided the exact GPS on Crooks, the son, for that Saturday afternoon. Obviously, the phone was on his person when he was allegedly shot, and the FBI certainly would know his exact movements from the GPS on his phone that day. What’s the hold up with this basic information?

Furthermore, it seems odd that the father would think the twenty-year old son was at the shooting range on a Saturday afternoon and when he didn’t hear from the son, calls the police. The son’s phone would also provide answers to that question. Did the father call the son before calling the police? Let’s go out on a limb and suggest that dad’s phone gets a quick look see to find out who and when he placed calls on that Saturday.

One could speculate that a father would call the son and perhaps the gun club before jumping to dialing the police. Unless the father was aware of something. Did the father learn something that afternoon that instigated the call to police. What could it have been? These aren’t just any parents. These are expert mental health practitioners and certainly would be aware if their son was acting wonky, right?  One would think. But these are the same parents that apparently had no clue that the young man living under their roof had purchased quantities of weapons and explosives.

Looking at the family home, one might find it difficult to really hide these activities as it is not enormous square footage home. Looks tiny for four big adult people living under this one roof. Yet, apparently, everyone was clueless.

At the end of the day, the Crooks have really had it easy considering what most families of shooters go through, with photographs of the numerous weapons/ammunitions in the home displayed and photographed for public consumption. Remember the photograph of toddler Adam Lanza in his camo jammies? Hell. The Pubic still hasn’t been provided a photo of Crooks that is later than High School. Did anyone even ask the parents? It’s time to get some solid answers cause none of this makes sense.

The FBI is keen to explain that the Crooks are “cooperating.” Sounds like a sweet deal. But it’s time to ask the parents some serious questions and to have the phone data released in order to put to bed these nagging questions about whether this alleged phone call was made to Butler police and who exactly the family called that afternoon prior to the shooting.

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Butler, FBI, Matthew Crooks, PA Police Records, Secret Service, Senator Grassley, Thomas Crooks, Trump Assassination Attempt