Congressional Task Force Neglects “White Van” Evidence in Demand Letter to ATF
November 11, 2024

The Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump (Task Force) recently has made news regarding its investigation being stymied by the federal agencies that are tasked with not only investigating the attempted assassination, but also providing important documentation to the Task Force. Apparently, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) isn’t being cooperative.
The Task Force sent a letter to ATF in early October requesting numerous documents associated with the Bureau’s part in the investigation and its work with other federal law enforcement agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Secret Service.
The ATF responded to the Task Force with narratives and no documents, forcing the Task Force to fire back at ATF explaining its frustration this way, “to date, the ATF has failed to produce a single document responsive to the Task Force requests.” Why? Why wouldn’t the ATF provide the Congressional investigators with the requested documents? Of course, the federal agency’s unwillingness to cooperate with the Task Force leads any levelheaded person to conclude that AFT is hiding information, which then leads any levelheaded person to question why.
AbleChild has covered the attempted assassination since day one and has been critical of the investigation being conducted by the Task Force. There just are too many important questions that the Task Force has not asked. The most recent request for documents from the ATF is another failure on the part of the Task Force.
While AbleChild can appreciate the Task Force’s request for documentation, it would have been reassuring to know that the Congressional investigators were also questioning ATF about the explosives found in the White Van near the Butler fairgrounds the evening of the shooting. Unfortunately, the Task Force has yet to even ask one question about the White Van.
Recall that on the evening of July 13th, a white van abandoned on a side road near the fairgrounds was assaulted by law enforcement with “officers searching the battered white vehicle from which they removed explosives after they were led across fields to its location by their K9 unit.” The search was recorded for posterity by local resident Billy Thoma who reported “we could hear the dogs barking across the fields. They picked up his scent apparently and that’s what led them to the van.” Thoma’s recorded video shows the white van, its back doors apparently damaged with primer applied, being taken away on a tow truck in the early hours of Sunday morning.”
So, a white van with explosives (that were removed) was at the scene of the attempted assassination? Why hasn’t the Task Force addressed the white van? This white van with explosives would, obviously, fall under the purview of the ATF. Even if the Task Force just requested clarification on the reported and videoed white van at least the American people could eliminate an apparent second threat.
It was later reported that the white van had Arizona license plates, which one might surmise could not belong to Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter. So, who was the owner of the white van? Were fingerprints retrieved? Whose fingerprints were found? Was the owner of the white van questioned by the FBI or ATF about the explosives found? What is the explanation for a second automobile with explosives? Was there more than one assassin? Was the reason the white van was abandoned due to the owner being dead?
These questions would not be necessary if the Task Force would at least pose the questions to the ATF and FBI. And until such time as the Congressional investigators get around to even wondering about the mysterious white van, AbleChild will continue to be critical of the Task Force’s efforts.
Ultimately, AbleChild believes it is necessary to make all information public, including all mental health records of the alleged shooter. To date, the Crooks family has said nothing…not even an apology to the family of the deceased and injured. The Crooks family has lawyered up and, therefore, the investigations (including the Task Force) are all the public has to understand what exactly occurred at Butler and why. To think that the Congressional Task Force is unaware of the white van and its significance is too unbelievable to comprehend. What is the problem?
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ATF, Task Force Attempted Assassination, Thomas Crooks, Trump, White Van