HHS Secretary Kennedy Targets Psychiatric Drug Links to Violence
February 24, 2025

Newly confirmed Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert Kennedy, Jr., has been assigned the chair of the newly established Make America Healthy Again Commission and, apparently, antidepressants will finally get a much-needed review.
Specifically, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) long have been the antidepressant “treatment” of choice for numerous alleged mental disorders. That’s right…” alleged.” Let’s just get it straight at the beginning so there’s no mistake about what is and is not being “treated.”
There is no science to support any objective, confirmable abnormality, that is any psychiatric diagnosis. That does not mean that people do not experience depression, anxiety, high and lows, etc. It simply means that psychiatric diagnosing is completely subjective, making it difficult, if not impossible, to realistically “treat” a non-existing abnormality. What is being “treated” is a behavior, which is exactly what psychiatry studies…behaviors. Neurologists, not psychiatrists, study diseases (abnormalities) of the brain.
Now, having said that, long ago the “chemical imbalance” theory became the psycho/pharmaceutical answer as the cause behind most of the unwanted, bothersome, life-interrupting behaviors. The mantra was “your depression is due to a chemical imbalance.” You’re depressed? Take an SSRI. You’re anxious? Take an SSRI. On and on. SSRIs were the answer to happy land.
Over the forty-odd years since the first SSRI, Eli Lilly’s Prozac (Fluoxetine), hit the market, much has been learned, including that the “chemical imbalance” does not exist and was thoroughly debunked by Professor Joanna Moncrief in 2023. And, more importantly, the public has learned that SSRI antidepressants have some serious adverse events associated with use.
First and foremost, it is important to recall that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires a Black Box Waring for suicidality on all antidepressants. That’s right, the FDA believes that taking the mind-altering drugs can cause someone to commit suicide. But frankly, there are other dangerous side effects, including the following examples a few antidepressants:
Zoloft: emotional lability, aggravated depression, aggressive reaction, aggression, agitation, anxiety, depersonalization, depression, nightmares, mania, hallucination, psychosis, paranoia, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt.
Prozac: insomnia, anxiety, abnormal dreams, agitation, hostility, hypomania, mania, personality disorder, abnormal thinking, depersonalization, paranoid reaction, psychosis, suicidal thoughts and behavior, suicide attempt, aggression, delusions, and hallucinations.
Trazadone: Confusion, mania/hypomania, aggressive reaction, agitation (sometimes exacerbating to delirium), anxiety, cognitive impairment, confusional state, delusions, discontinuation syndrome, hallucinations, hypomania, insomnia, mania, nightmares, restlessness, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, abnormal dreams, paranoid reaction, psychosis.
It is of interest that a recent article by NBC’s Nathan Howard poo pooed much of what is known about the psychiatric mind-altering antidepressants. Howard writes, “Kennedy has amplified false claims linking SSRIs to school shootings. He maintained in the recent hearings that he believes a possible connection “should be studied, along with other potential culprits.”
AbleChild can only assume that NBC’s Howard did zero research into the issue because had the NBC reporter done even a cursory review, he would have learned that there are numerous school shooters who were on prescribed antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs at the time of the shooting. But Howard writes that a 2019 study found that most school shooters had not taken psychotropic medications…” Hmm… Let’s consider a few just off the top of the head.
Columbine shooter, 18 year-old Eric Harris reportedly had been prescribed antidepressants Zoloft and Luvox when he and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 12 and wounded 24, 16 year-old Jeff Weise, 2005, Red Lake, Minnesota had been prescribed Prozac at three times the starting dose for an adult when he killed 7 and wounded nine, and 15 year-old Kip Kinkle had been prescribed Ritalin and Prozac when he killed two and wounded 25 others at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon in 1988. Those are just a few that come to mind. There are dozens of adolescent shooters who were drugged, and it is impossible to forget Nikolas Cruz. Cruz went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and killed 17 and wounded 17 in Parkland Florida. The 19-year-old had been prescribed cocktails of psychiatric drugs since the age of seven.
AbleChild would ask Howard that if there is no abnormality in the brain that is any psychiatric diagnosis, what exactly is the psychiatric drug “treating?” Of course, the answer is that neither the psychiatric community nor the pharmaceutical companies have a clear answer for what causes the ever-increasing list of alleged mental disorders. In fact, the pharmaceutical companies are honest enough with their drug inserts to state they don’t know how the drug works in the brain for any psychiatric diagnosis. The pharmaceuticals “believe” the drug works by doing this or that, but there is no certainty. What is certain is that like illegal drug use the prescribed drugs will change behavior.
Howard is sure, however, to mention “the increased attention on SSRIs has prompted mental health advocacy groups to speak up in support of the medications.” Who isn’t surprised that the mental health industry supports medications? After all, the nation is in a mental health “crisis” and the nation turns to those “experts” for help. More often than not, that “help” comes in the form of a psychiatric drug.
But Secretary Kennedy, it seems, would like to know why the nation is in a mental health “crisis” and has the temerity to wonder if these mind-altering drugs may be part of the problem. AbleChild says “Hallelujah!” Someone’s open enough and concerned enough to ask tough questions.
Let’s be honest. It’s no secret that mental health funding and psychiatric drugging increase every year. Is it possible that Kennedy, like so many who are aware of the dangers associated with psychiatric drugs, may be asking why no one is getting better? And, heaven help us, the new Secretary is even willing to step on some psycho/pharma toes to find out.
It isn’t difficult to understand why Howard’s article seems to support the use of SSRIs. After reading the article thoroughly, NBC’s Howard failed to disclose just how much money NBC is paid for pharmaceutical advertising. To coin a popular phrase of the former administration, “Pharmaceutical Revenue Matters.” And, according to one report, in the first eight months of 2024, pharmaceuticals paid out $3.4 billion, more than an 8 percent YoY increase.
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antidepressants, HHS Secretary Kennedy, NBC, School Shooters