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Parents vs. Gov. Malloy for Lanza Medical Records

Political Columnist writes on Appeal: Docket 2013-197 Ablechild v. Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner.  Governor Malloy ‘s Attorney General appoints Patrick B. Kwanashie, AAG to oppose the appeal.

For 35 years a political columnist published in a variety of Connecticut newspapers, Don Pesci has been published in the Middletown Press, the Torrington Register Citizen, The Waterbury Republican American, the Norwich Bulletin, the Day of New London, the Journal Inquirer of Manchester, the Providence Journal, and others; his is also the proprietor of a popular blog, Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State, one of the older Connecticut blogs.



Adam Lanza Medical Records, CT FOIA Appeal, CT Hospital, Danbury, Lt. Paul Vance, Medical Examiner, Psychiatric Screenings, State Police Spokesman