Where did all the facts go in mass murder reporting, opinions, and investigations?
Where do all the facts go in mass murder reporting and opinon journalism? The lack of factual reporting will ultimately impact societies’ liberties, freedoms, and human rights.
Lets take a simple look at Slate.com. According to Laural Hayes, “There is an identifiable population that is extremely dangerous, volatile, and likely to commit violent crimes, but is not diagnosable as mentally ill. The pattern we see time and again is that people who act out in violent ways are men who already have an established pattern of being threatening, cruel, and violent.” Hayes goes on to say, they are almost always men. This opinion appears to be from research in the field of neuroscience over the past decade. Remember it is called research for a reason!
Hayes fails to discuss the impact psychiatrc drugs have on the human mind resulting in anger. Accordng to the FDA and MEDWATCH reports, anger is a known side effect of the use of psychiatric drugs; this is why they are often called mind-altering drugs. So why no mention of the impact of psychiatric drugs on the mind and the known side effects of anger? One would think Hayes would have mentioned the fact that these mass murderers were under the care of psychiatry and using their mind-altering psychiatric drug products.
Guess what the solution is according to Hayes, let’s find these “angry” children and treat them. Seriously? This only feeds into the meat grinder that is manufacturing the killers in the first place. We know thise based on the fact psychiatric drug use continues to increase as well as mass murders. Remember society has not yet been allowed a free publc discussion on the link between psychatrc drugs and mass murderers.
This is not journalism at all, but a slow misleading of the public into death and destruction. There is always a pushed solution and they almost always impact your freedom, your liberty, and basic human rights.
Don’t believe for one minute that you, as a consumer of news or opinion, have received all the facts surrounding these mass murderers and the contributing psychiatric treatments that produce a medicated murdering mind. Human beings are fundementally good. The fact is the “treated” mind cannot reason the same way a natural mind can. We know this based on all the laws that have been passed to prevent people from operating machines under the influence.
The only fact we all can be 100% sure of is the public has not been given all the information surrounding the growing number of mass murders and the involvement of mental health products and services.