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Whistleblower Ohio Teacher Comes Forward to AbleChild on School Recommending Drugs in IEP

I have been a middle school teacher for the last 24 years. I have watched young people, more often boys, be affected by the pushing of drugs for ADHD. I, myself have filled out the paperwork a thousand times sent by doctors that ask the most ridiculous questions to attempt to determine if a child should be medicated to change the chemical compounds of their brain. These children are already going through chemical changes in their bodies as they are typically of pre-pubescent/ pubescent age.

One big problem that I have noticed in the schools lately is that they have not only been adding more and more psychologists/psychiatrists to the districts but they are adding social workers to schools at all levels (elementaries to high schools). They are even giving degrees and incentivizing teachers to get added degrees in social work to bring more social workers into districts. This is such a mistake. They are trying to add an element of parental trust by using social workers because they believe these people will get parents to do what they want in terms of signing IEPs, listening to drs, starting them on meds, building trust, etc.

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Sign The Petition To Be Heard!

We have standing!

A small group of people change the world!  It is not when everyone believes in what you are doing, it is when you believe in what you are doing!

In 2004, the FDA required a Blackbox suicide warning for antidepressant drugs of any class.  That warning became effective in January 2005.  However, the government agencies continue to push and fund the behavioral health industry and drug companies with our tax dollars without accountability.

The data they are using is fabricated; it does not include the BlackBox drug users.  The Federal and State authorities are withholding key mental health records of mass shooters.  This petition will help us obtain federal hearings to ensure we can discuss  with our lawmakers the association of psychiatric drugs, the failure to disclose mental health records and mass shootings (i.e., mass killings and mass murders).

Sign the Petition!

You Are Cordially Invited

AbleChild’s First Annual Recognition Dinner In Vero Beach, Florida

AbleChild is recognizing three investigative journalists for their achievements in protecting human rights.  Their dedication to the liberty of  the human spirit has aligned directly with our mission of “informed consent”.  It is with great honor we share this moment with all our supporters.  The evening in Vero Beach, Florida will outline AbleChild’s mission with a multimedia presentation and introduction to our “God” moment of meeting.   These talented and free spirited individuals have the courage it takes to release the strongholds wrapped around our individual liberties.  Dinner will be included.  Join us as we celebrate these outstanding leaders and hear their insights into overcoming the challenges we face today.  Together our objective is to protect President Eisenhower’s Able Child and the National Defense Education Act.

Reserve Your Seat

Maine Lawyers Up, Victims Lawyer up, Mass Murders Continue to Thrive in America

Maine is the latest State to experience a mass shooting. The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, set up a commission that will engulf our country in a stalemate to obtain needed mental health records that may reveal the psychiatric drugs and devices the shooter, Robert Card, was prescribed prior to the mass murder.

Robert Card who was treated by the United State Military through Keller Army Community Hospital and a private psychiatric treatment center, Four Winds in Katonah, New York, killed 18 people and left another 13 injured in Lewiston, Maine. He had a history of psychiatric “treatments.”

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Mass Murder in Maine, Risk Assessment Expert on Governor Mill’s Panel

The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, has selected several very interesting “experts” to find out what caused Robert Card to shoot and kill several members of the community in Lewiston Maine.

We know Robert Card was a mental health patient of the US military, through Keller Hospital, and also the private psychiatric hospital Four Winds in Katonah, New York.  AbleChild has already covered Psychiatrist Dr. Ng, now, let’s look at Dr. Debra Baeder.

Dr. Debra Baeder, Ph.D – Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology, Baedar served as Chief Forensic Psychologist for the State Forensic Service in Maine and then as the Director of Clinical Services for the Maine Office of Behavioral Health for 23 years.

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Will Governor Mills’ Commission Get to The Truth?

Isn’t it just swell that the Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, will be forming an “independent commission” to investigate the events leading up to the mass murders in Lewiston, Maine, including the previous signs related to the murderer.” That’s a grand idea. But will the Governor get to the nuts and bolts or is it just more political pandering and grandstanding?

The thing is, there is much to be learned that may shed some light on why the killer, Robert Card became another in a long line of mass murderers. Let’s start with Card’s mental health. It’s the best place to start. C’mon we all know that for fourteen days Card was “treated” for mental health issues last July at Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital in Katonah, New York by a Psychiatrist; he was referred by a Psychologist from the Keller Army Community Hospital in upstate New York. What we don’t know, and must know, is what “treatment” did Card receive?

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Inside AbleChild’s Humanitarian Visit to CT Mental Health Facility

AbleChild had an opportunity to do a humanitarian spot visit to a Medicaid funded Mental Health facility in Connecticut.  We were shocked at the condition of the property, reviewed the audit on the facility; and we were denied access to see inside.  This is what we found.  See below video and you decide.  Is this mental health?  The audit done shows that the State of Connecticut is not in compliance.

Rare footage of Connecticut’s Mental Health for Wards of the State.


The National Defense Education Act versus the Mental Health & Drug Industries

The Biden-Harris Administration wants to help schools deliver “critical mental health care services” to students by, once again, proposing millions for an industry that has enjoyed billions over the years with deadly outcomes producing a generation in decline.   This massive mental/behavioral health industry started out as a “carved out research program” on children.  The program never received proper public hearings allowing the public, and particularly parents, to begin to understand the potential consequences of the strong pharmaceutical influence in the lives of their child’s daily routine at school or the potentially serious, long-term medical outcomes.  The program was pushed into the education system; and it began in the smallest State, Rhode Island, in July, of 1970.

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