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The FBI’s Work in Mass Shootings Is Not Pretty


Over the past twenty years, the FBI has been tasked with finding out more about how to prevent mass shootings.  The definition of “mass shooting” includes incidents where three or more people are killed, per federal statute definition.

Former FBI director James Comey was in charge of finding what — and who — led up to some renowned, rather horrific mass shootings, which included Sandy Hook (2012), San Bernardino (2015), and Las Vegas (2017).  Comey was dismissed after four years by President Trump.

The shooting at Sandy Hook has been widely used as a prime example of the damage that most outlets and politicians tout as “gun violence.”  A November 2013 report issued by the Connecticut State Attorney’s Office concluded that Adam Lanza acted alone and planned his actions but provided no indication why he did so, or why he targeted the school.  A report issued by the Office of the Child Advocate in November 2014 said that Lanza had Asperger’s syndrome and as a teenager had depressionanxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder but concluded that these conditions had “neither caused nor led to his murderous acts.”

The FBI curiously made no headway into that, either.  The FBI’s gaping investigation holes include 1) a failure to investigate the ties to the treating psychiatrist of Adam Lanza and 2) the internal corruption of the Newtown Police Department with Operation Juice Box.  In a nutshell, Operation Juice Box involved selling long guns and drugs, from China, directly from the Newtown police station in Connecticut.

It is important to note that although Comey was not director at that time, he certainly had the ability to, at the very least, disclose to the public his investigative findings into the corruption plaguing the Newtown Police Department prior to and in the aftermath of the mass shooting.

The FBI’s and Comey’s failure to disclose to the public the two above factors led to the passage of arguably the most unconstitutional legislation in American history, such as massive spending on what may be called a “mental health industrial complex” and a gun grab from the American people.

A theme throughout all mass shootings is prior FBI involvement with the mass shooter, chain of custody issues, and misinformation of facts given to the public.  These appear to add up to an FBI culture of protecting the public/private billion-dollar behavioral health business our government engages in.

Comey also failed to speak publicly about critical data that he uncovered about Sandy Hook, allowing lawmakers to target gun manufacturers rather than the police corruption and psychiatric drug link to the treating psychiatrist of the shooter.  AbleChild’s work led to the arrest of Adam Lanza’s treating psychiatrist by Homeland Security.

Adding insult to injury, the FBI didn’t even protect the chain of custody of Adam Lanza’s body.  An employee of the chief medical examiner’s office allowed a family member to view the body during the investigative process.

Let’s now take the San Bernardino shooting as an example.  The FBI under the direction of Comey failed with investigative work into the details in the San Bernardino mass shooters; who exactly hired Syed Farook for a critical public health safety position?  Instead of focusing on an internal corruption cell within the government, Comey came to the microphones and warned the public not to “over-index” the fact that the FBI had prior contact with Farook prior to the mass murders.  He didn’t dispute the media’s claim that as an employee, the shooter’s motive came down to being forced to attend a Christmas party with coworkers.  Comey’s FBI crime scene also oddly wasn’t protected after the initial search into the San Bernardino tragedy; the media were invited in, destroying the agency’s ability to gather additional evidence.

In the Las Vegas shooting, Sheriff Joe Lombardo held a press conference on the release of the LVMPD Criminal Investigative Report of the October 1 Mass Casualty Shooting.  He said the ten-month investigation had revealed no evidence of conspiracy or a second gunman, and that the gunman’s motive had not been determined.  Lombardo said, “[W]hat we have not been able to definitively answer is why Stephen Paddock committed this act.”  A report published by the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit in January 2019 said that “there was no single or clear motivating factor” for the shooting.

Cofounder of AbleChild Sheila Matthews asserts, “Jim Comey, the former FBI director, appears to have misled the public on these mass shootings — and failed to share basic facts that not only could have saved lives, but changed the course of legislation that impacts our rights and freedoms.”  She continued, “It is AbleChild’s hope that federal hearings are held on the FBI role in mass shootings and evidence collection laws are protected and passed to stop inside agencies such as the FBI from protecting Big Pharma and their distribution partner the behavioral health industry that operates as our mental health system.”

The FBI’s continued failure to decipher key signals in mass shootings seems to point to a deliberate effort to cover for the billion-dollar behavioral health industry, which manages to obtain millions of dollars in state and federal funding after every single one of these mass murders.  Critical evidence that most shooters have been found to be on a cocktail of psychiatric drugs magically disappears from the FBI investigations and findings.

After the Virginia Tech shooting, FBI behavioral health analyst supervisor Special Agent Mary Ellen O’Toole said, “There is no typical shooter.  They don’t fall within a set of traits and characteristics.”  She goes on to say that “there may not be a single thing that can be done to prevent a mission-oriented person from committing an act of violence.”  Really?

The bottom line is that the FBI enjoys a level of secrecy on so many levels.  With this level of power, the Bureau has the ability to conceal toxicology reports and mental health treatment records that are pertinent to finding the actual common denominator that drive these “mission-oriented killings.”

Why does the FBI not disclose each shooter’s history of long-term mental health treatment?  Is it because the public would question these treatments and possibly choose alternatives?  Why would the FBI not focus on side-effects from drug treatment, which has evidence linking it to psychological damage and a risk of suicide and violence?  This secrecy clearly demonstrates a lack of responsibility and accountability, which makes FBI agents appear to have aligned themselves with the political ideology that is being foisted on the public, without full disclosure of evidence.  Compromised and without objectivity, the FBI is failing the American people and overall public safety.

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Proposed Legislation Misses Target in the Aftermath of Parkland Mass Murder

Following the Parkland school shooting sentencing trial of Nikolas Cruz, there is an attempt to make it easier for juries in the State of Florida to impose the death penalty, a bill has been filed in both houses of the Florida Legislature to change the determination from unanimous consent to just eight jurors voting in the affirmative.  Once again, special interest groups appear to be begging for more power in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting.

The State of Connecticut in the aftermath of Sandy Hook allowed special interest groups to hijack lawmaking to go after the 2nd Amendment and gun manufacturers. Florida in the aftermath of Parkland is now allowing special interest groups to change unanimous consent by a jury to eight in agreement to put a human being to death.  Both States appear to be willing to look at any measures except those that will address the real issue at hand, the State’s involvement (and responsibility) in the wide-scale drugging of too many of these shooters from kindergarten to young adults.

The sentencing trial of Nikolas Cruz exposed for the first time the psychiatric behavioral health vendors hired by the State of Florida to provide mental health treatment to Nikolas Cruz from a very young age. Cruz’s introduction to behavioral modification thru the use of psychiatric drugs began while he was still in elementary school.  According to court testimony, he was first put on Strattera in 2003 when he was just seven years old. The following is a list of what is known about his “treatment.” What is missing, and was absent from the testimony during his trial, is the serious adverse events associated with each of these drugs and increased adverse events when taken as a cocktail.

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Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill

This book is a heavily-researched history, background and overview of the barbaric and inhumane treatments of the mentally ill that would shock any reader. Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment provides much-needed muckracking into what has really been going on with mental health in the United States for the past couple of centuries.

This book really digs into the science and doesn’t just accept the medical, psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries’ marketing jargon that so many have come to believe over the years. The research in Mad in America goes back to the moral therapy used by the Quakers in the early 1800s, the eugenics movement of the mentally ill that took place in the 1930s, and takes a magnifying glass to how schizophrenics are really doing in the present day (they happen to be worse off than patients in some of the poorest countries, according to the research done in this book).

Mad in America also breaks apart many of the narratives the pharmaceutical industry has peddled about psychiatric medication and how it has supposedly allowed higher functioning of the mentally ill. Once again, this content is all backed by medical journalist Robert Whitaker’s exhaustive research and data. This book is packed with solid historical and scientific data that connects the dots about something that plays such a huge part in our every day lives: mental health and psychiatry. Mad in America has already made a lasting impact on America, and is sure to continue doing so for years to come.

About the Author

Robert Whitaker is an American medical journalist and author, whose books include Anatomy of an Epidemic (which won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors book award for best investigative journalism), Mad in America, ( which was named by Discover magazine as one of the best science books of 2002), On the Laps of Gods and The Mapmaker’s Wife.

He has written numerous articles about the mentally ill and pharmaceutical industry, which have led him to receive several awards: the George Polk Award for Medical Writing, a National Association of Science Writers’ Award for best magazine article, and Whitaker was also a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Whitaker co-wrote a series on series on psychiatric research for the Boston Globe in 1998, and has published more than twenty short stories in literary magazines such as the Indiana Review, Black Warrior Review, Florida Review, and Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry and Prose. Whitaker is now the publisher of


Mother Jones:

“A passionate, compellingly researched polemic, as fascinating as it is ultimately horrifying.”

Chicago Tribune:

“Controversial…. [Whitaker] marshals a surprising amount of evidence.”

Seattle Times:

“Intelligent and bold.”

Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal

This book is an eye-opener that gives a remarkably thorough history of psychiatry, dating back from the 19th century to the present day. It exposes the manner in which power, money and influence helped peddle theories as facts, which all led to the stronghold that psychiatry had developed on our world today.

Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal covers everything from electric shock treatments in the 50s to the Holocaust. It examines the role that politicians and the media have had over the years. It really gives the reader an entirely new outlook on ideas so many of us just accepted for years without much thought. It shows how many people believed the lies and unknowingly helped contribute to the growth of this monster, and how many others knew all along that they were hurting our children and robbing them of education and growth, but did it anyways.

This very well-researched book schools our society on the fact that these professionals we have listened to and let infiltrate every area of our lives and our children’s lives, who we allow to tell us what is wrong with us and how we should fix it, have no concern in our best interest. Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal says that now is the time we break apart these evil forces and starting turning society around.

About the Author

Bruce Wiseman is a human rights advocate who has fought for several decades to expose and end human rights abuses in the area of mental health. He is an internationally renowned speaker on the topic of psychiatric abuses, having made over 600 radio and television appearances on the damages psychiatry is inflicting on society, ranging from psychiatric drugs to psychiatric sexual abuse to electro shock therapy. He has done extensive work with legislative and judicial authorities in efforts to eliminate these mental health system abuses, and even testified against involuntary commitment of children in front of the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee. Wiseman is a former chairman of the Department of History at the John F. Kennedy University, and currently serves as the U.S. national president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. He holds a master’s degree cum laude from California State University at San Jose, and resides in Los Angeles with his family.


Clinton Miller, National Council for Improved Health:

“Not since Paul Revere took his midnight ride to alert our forefathers that the British were coming has a WARNING been so urgently needed as the wake-up call you deliver in PSYCHIATRY-THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL”

Morton Feldman, Executive Vice President, National Association of Chiefs of Police:

“Psychiatry-The Ultimate Betrayal…answers a tremendous number of questions as to what happened to cause the social unrest we see on a daily basis in this country.”

Director, Office of Consumer Affairs, New Hampshire Hospital, Concord:

“I think you know that I found Ultimate Betrayal to be unrivaled portrayal of psychiatry’s essential tendency to engage in social engineering under the guise of ‘medical expertise’–a dangerous role that they cleverly cultivate at our expense. This book is extremely well done, and I sincerely hope that it will be widely read.”

The Boy Who Burned Too Brightly

This book is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, school counselors and anyone that works with children. It is an allegorical tale that paints an excellent picture of what it’s like for children diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and other psychiatric labels, and how these children are treated in the school system. The Boy Who Burned Too Brightly, written by David J. Welsh, is a fiction story about a town where everyone has a flame burning on the top of their head. Randall is a boy who is unique and his parents love that about him and don’t think there is anything wrong until a teacher points out the brightness of his flame and he is then brought to a “child pyrologist” who diagnoses him with Defective Flicker Syndrome.

In the book, Randall is then medicated with a drink called “quiescence,” which is representative of the psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, Prozac and Zoloft that millions of children are prescribed in our world today. In The Boy Who Burned Too Brightly, Randall’s differentness is suppressed, and those around him want his behavior to be more consistent with those around him, instead of magnifying his special and unique attributes and letting them truly shine. The book shows that to some people a flame may be too bright, but to others, brightness is a true gift that should be encouraged and shone to the world.

About the Author

Dr. David J. Welsh is an educational psychologist who has been in private practice in Forth Worth, Texas since 1985. Aside from writing books, he was also a producer and host of a show called Issues of the Mind from 1987 to 1997. He received his bachelor’s degree from Colorado State University in 1975, then went on to get his master’s degree in educational psychology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1978, and was awarded his PhD in educational psychology from the University of Texas in 1984. Dr. Welsh is a member of the American Psychological Association and Texas Psychological Association. He is also a former president of the Tarrant County Psychological Association.


Jane L. Brown, RN, Center for Effective Learning, Virginia Beach, VA:

“I missed several words on my first read–I had tears in my eyes. It’s absolutely wonderful!”

Ron Rubin, Center for Developmental Disabilities, Univ. of Vermont:

“In a world that espouses honoring diversity, it stands out as a heart-felt treatment of what ‘honoring’ truly means.”

La Nelle Gallagher, Learning Disabilities Association of Texas:

“This book is probably the most creative and clever book on learning differences I have ever read!”

Author Dr. Thomas Armstrong:

“Certainly hits the nail on the head. I enjoyed reading it and will share this book with others.”

A Dose of Sanity: Mind, Medicine, and Misdiagnosis

Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker once again draws on his decades of experience to shine light on psychiatry’s over-reliance on psychiatric labels in this book. He explains how psychiatrists and mental health professionals have become accustomed to running down a list of symptoms and throwing a label on their patients. Instead, mental health professionals need to do further investigation to find if there are any underlying medical issues causing these symptoms, whether it’s hyperactivity, memory loss or depression. As a result of this over-reliance on psychiatric drugs, studies show that the rate of misdiagnosis is more than 4 in 10.

Beneath these symptoms that are all-too-quickly categorized as psychiatric disorders, are often medical conditions such as poor nutrition, Lyme disease, allergies or hypothyroidism. In A Dose of Sanity: Mind, Medicine, and Misdiagnosis, Dr. Walker teaches readers to take a step back and evaluate symptoms on a deeper, biological level to start understanding what they really mean. Dr. Walker believes that psychiatry is moving towards the hypothetical realm with the manner in which it diagnoses patients, and he offers an approach in this book that goes beyond this.

One of the useful tools included in A Dose of Sanity is the 24-hour profile that mental health consumers can use to track emotional and physical changes throughout the day to give their psychiatrist a more accurate picture of how they are feeling, and the patterns and causes surrounding their symptoms. For all mental health consumers, whether you are experiencing symptoms yourself and/or have been labelled, or if you have a loved one that has told you they have been labeled hyperactive, depression, dementia, etc., this book is a must-read.

About the Author

Sydney Walker III, M.D., is a board-certified neuropsychiatrist, Director of the Southern California Neuropsychiatric Institute, and founder of Behavioral Neurology International. His other books include Help for the Hyperactive ChildPsychiatric Signs and Symptoms Due to Medical Problems, and The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help.


Charles B. Inlander – President, People’s Medical Society:

“Bravo to Dr. Sydney Walker. He has written a masterful book for current and prospective mental health consumers. Before filling a prescription for Prozac or Ritalin, make sure you get A Dose of Sanity.”

The Hyperactivity Hoax : How To Stop Drugging Your Child And Find Real Medical Help

This book is written by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker, who is willing and determined to find the root of hyperactive behavior in children, instead of rushing to place psychiatric labels on them. With the rampant diagnoses of children with ADD, ADHD and hyperactivity, Dr. Walker examines what these labels mean, and whether the prescribed treatment of stimulants such as Ritalin is working.

In Dr. Walker’s private practice, he often discovered that a child that had been labeled as ADD or ADHD was misdiagnosed and in fact had displayed the hyperactive symptoms because of an underlying medical illness such as diabetes, food poisoning or allergies. In The Hyperactivity Hoax : How To Stop Drugging Your Child And Find Real Medical Help, Dr. Walker helps parents find safe and effective treatments for their child’s symptoms without prescribing them psychotropic drugs that are likely to be unnecessary and potentially cause other long-term issues for the child due to their side effects. The book also offers some entertainment with how candidly Dr. Walker calls out the psychiatric field and DSM-IV.

Dr. Walker offers valuable advice in this book for parents regarding how to determine if your child needs medical attention, how to find the medical help you need, alternative treatments for their child’s behavioral issues, how to stand your ground when dealing with doctors and school officials, and how to provide better overall care for your child.

About the Author

Sydney Walker III, M.D., is a board-certified neuropsychiatrist, Director of the Southern California Neuropsychiatric Institute, and founder of Behavioral Neurology International. His other books include Help for the Hyperactive ChildPsychiatric Signs and Symptoms Due to Medical Problems, and A Dose of Sanity.


Marilyn Chase, The Wall Street Journal:

“His mission is to embolden families to say ‘no’ to the Ritalin fad.”

Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Director, Autism Research Institute:

“Dr. Walker’s book is must reading for parents who want real solutions for their children–not just ‘wastebasket’ labels such as hyperactivity and ADD. I recommend it highly to parents–and their doctors.”

Publisher’s Weekly:

“Walker, director of the Southern California Neuropsychiatric Institute, makes a dramatic case against the widespread use of the drug Ritalin to treat hyperactive children, [pointing] a finger at hurried doctors who treat symptoms without identifying underlying causes.”

Charles Inlander, President, People’s Medical Society

“Finally someone breaks the myth about hyperactivity….Not only does it clearly show that hyperactivity is a professional excuse for medical incompetence, but it gives parents a real action plan for helping their children. It’s about time an esteemed physician spoke out. Bravo, Sydney Walker.”

The Feel-Good Curriculum: The Dumbing-Down of America’s Kids in the Name of Self-Esteem

In this book, author and education professor Maureen Stout gives a much-needed examination of some very significant changes that have taken place in the education system. These changes are the result of the self-esteem movement that seems to be taking over the school curriculums and other areas of culture as well. So many new trends and theories have been popping up that are all related to this movement, from emotional intelligence to Ebonics to Howard Gardner’s theories of multiple intelligences, which Stout examines in this book.

In The Feel-Good Curriculum: The Dumbing Down of America’s Kids in the Name of Self-Esteem, Stout delves into the history of how this self-esteem movement came to be, and why it’s ultimately detrimental to our children’s learning curve. She explains how schools have become more of a grounds for therapy than quality education nowadays, and condemns the styles in which the teachers have been trained to systematically push self-esteem in every area of their instruction to our children, from the school curriculum to the class environment. Stout explains how as a result of the self-esteem obsession, our children are underachieving and lacking true confidence that comes from actually putting in the work and earning the rewards.

Stout also offers practical solutions in The Feel Good Curriculum. She identifies four effects that stem from self-esteem’s infiltration of our school system: narcissism, emotivism, separatism, and cynicism. Then, Stout prescribes four concepts that should be used to replace these effects and restore our children’s education back to what it should be: a system that produces effective and strong adults that know the value of hard work, are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and are prepared to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

About the Author

Maureen Stout is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the California State University, Northridge. She resides in Los Angeles, and also wrote Teaching and Learning Outside the Box: Inspiring Imagination Across the Curriculum.


Library Journal:

“A passionately argued and fluidly written attack on contemporary education philosophy.”

Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American Children Feel Good About Themselves but Can’t Read, Write, Or Add

In this book, author Charles J. Sykes addresses what he considers to be the problem with the high pedestal on which self-esteem has been placed in the education system, which sacrifices children’s ability to read, write, add, subtract and compute. He attributes this issue to the way teachers have been trained, and educational policies that have been developed. Sykes says that while today’s children feel good about their abilities, they are in reality much less capable than children from previous generations.

In Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American Children Feel Good About Themselves But Can’t Read, Write, or Add, Sykes explains that the education system has a growing budget and taxpayers are paying more out of pocket for education. Yet, the quality of education is going down the tubes. Children are having to meet lower requirements for standardized testing, and the system is designed to make everyone pass, but it’s not designed to allow students to master any skills or abilities.

As time goes by, America’s children may have better self-esteem, but they are scoring lower and lower in international math and science tests. How are we to solve this problem, get our children back to focusing on their basic abilities, and restore quality education? Sykes lays out solutions and steps that parents and teachers and students can use to fix all of this.

About the Author

Charles J. Sykes is an accomplished author, editor and talk show host. Hailing from Wisconsin, he had a very highly rated talk show there. After stepping down in 2016 from his talk show, he became a contributor for NBC/MSNBC as well as contributing editor for The Weekly Standard. He has also hosted other podcasts and radio shows. Sykes has written for publications including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Politico, New York Review of Books, Newsweek and, and has made appearances on networks including ABC, PBS, CNN, Fox News, the BBC, and NPR.

Sykes also serves as a sitting member to organizations like Advisory Committee for the Democracy Fund and Knight Commission on Trust, Media, and Democracy. Other books Sykes has published include “A Nation of Victims,” “Profscam,” “The Hollow Men,” “The End of Privacy,” “50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School, “A Nation of Moochers,” “Fail U” and “How the Right Lost Its Mind,” which is an eye-opening analysis of Trump-era conservatism.


The Boston Globe:

“This intelligent and devastating book…brings together every aspect of the current disaster…all in clear, well-researched detail.”

Cleveland Plain Dealer:

“A spirited call-to-arms…Sykes asks brave questions.”

Kirkus Review:

“A scathing critique that grabs America’s educational establishment by the scruff and shakes it…Parents and visionary educators, if not educrats, should sit up and take notice.”

Washington Post Book World:

“A very important book.”

The Ball is in the Court! Mental Health Outcomes on Trial

Public and private behavioral health relationships are killing our citizens by mass murder.  The merger between public and private entities has long been a problem for the American citizen. Have we reached a saturation level illustrated with mass killings throughout the Country? There is so much evidence at this point, it would be disastrous for us all to ignore.

Is the State acting as a double agent? An agent of the public and an agent of the private companies hired by the State? When the State is in that position, does the State support the citizen or the private company?

The mass school and public killings is a direct example and outcome of this 3-way relationship and hidden danger for the citizen. The State can no longer be trusted when it willfully selects the private company interest over the citizen. There is no greater crime when the State becomes a predator of the very citizen that is funding its existence.

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