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Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The R.E.S.T. Program (The Real Economy System for Teens) (The Real Economy for Teens)

This book by Dr. David b. Stein, published in 1990, focuses on what society has come to know as “oppositional and defiant adolescents.” These teens typically display abusive and disruptive behavior to parents, teachers, other authority figures, friends and family members. It can be difficult to effectively treat these behaviors, since these teens do not respond well to conventional psychotherapy. As a result, many time teens with oppositional and defiant behavior are hospitalized.

This is why Dr. Stein has introduced this book to help treat teens exhibiting these behaviors. Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The R.E.S.T. Program targets parents and teachers, showing them how they can correct these behaviors in teens without resorting to hospitalization. In the beginning, solid and clear rules and expectations are set for the teen’s behavior. These rules are enforced by methodically regulating the teen’s economic resources.

The methods Dr. Stein introduces in Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The R.E.S.T. Program are backed by solid research and are guaranteed to bring results for a better behaved, more productive, more obedient, happier and more peaceful teen. Topics addressed in the book’s various chapters include suicide, substance abuse, lying, aggression, poor school performance and discipline/punishment. Not only will teens that are treated with this program have happiness and success for themselves, but their relationships with those around them will also thrive.

About the Author

Dr. David B. Stein is a psychologist who worked as a clinical practitioner and professor of psychology in Virginia. He also was deputized with the Prince George Co. Police Department in Virginia, and worked as a criminal profiling consultant for Petersburg and Virginia State Police. Dr. Stein is an accomplished author who spent most of his career fighting against and exposing the evils of using amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADD and ADHD. His other books include The Psychology Industry Under a Microscope, Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco, and Stop Medicating, Start Parenting. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 years old, and is survived by his wife, two sons and two grandchildren.

Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco

This is another groundbreaking book from psychologist Dr. David B. Stein, which was published in 2001. Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco is, like other books written by Dr. Stein, based on his highly successful Cargivers’ Skill Program, which provides parents with skills to teach their children to approach learning with more enthusiasm, and to respect and honor authority figures in the home and at school.

In the book, Dr. Stein addresses the rapid rise in children being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, and questions the pharmaceutical solutions that are so often being provided to treat these conditions in children. Dr. Stein raises concerns over the theories of ADD and ADHD, and the riskiness of prescribing amphetamine drugs like Ritalin to children as a way to treat these behavioral disorders. Dr. Stein suggests that this sudden rise in ADD and ADHD diagnoses are being brought on by children misbehaving and not being able to perform in school, which could be a result of the current status quo in modern society’s parenting and teaching institutions.

To help educators, physicians, therapists and parents treat these growing behavioral problems in children, Dr. Stein suggests an alternative to medications. His Caregivers’ Skill Program has been proven highly effective, and Stein uses case studies from his own practice to demonstrate this. This solution will lead to happier, healthier, better educated and better behaving children who have more harmonious relationships with their authority figures.

About the Author

Dr. David B. Stein is a psychologist who worked as a clinical practitioner and professor of psychology in Virginia. He also was deputized with the Prince George Co. Police Department in Virginia, and worked as a criminal profiling consultant for Petersburg and Virginia State Police. Dr. Stein is an accomplished author who spent most of his career fighting against and exposing the evils of using amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADD and ADHD. His other books include The Psychology Industry Under a Microscope, Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The REST Program, Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and Stop Medicating, Start Parenting. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 years old, and is survived by his wife, two sons and two grandchildren.


Dr. Bose Ravenel, co-author of The Diseasing of America’s Children: Exposing the ADHD Fiasco and Empowering Parents to Take Back Control:

“I am a practicing pediatrian with a heavy emphasis on behavioral problems. After reading Dr. Stein’s former book RITALIN IS NOT THE ANSWER, although skeptical because so much of conventional ‘wisdom’ about managing ADD was challenged, I cautiously began to offer this approach to select parents. The results were impressive in several cases, and this fueled my desire to learn more about Dr. Stein’s approach. Having now begun to offer the CSP (Skilled Caregivers Program) for any parent who prefers a non-medication method of dealing with ADD/ADHD behaviors, I continue to experience success in a number of cases where previously medication offered the only hope for improvement. The current volume amplifies on what Dr. Stein has previously written, and adds a number of areas to supplement the fundamental behavioral premises and techniques. Having had an opportunity to read the manuscript twice prior to its current availability, I am most impressed and unhestitatingly recommend it for any parent dealing with this issue and for professionals who would like to be able to help parents to manage their child’s behavior problems effectively without having to resort to medications.”

Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD

This book, written by psychologist Dr. David B. Stein and published in 1999, highlights the fact that nearly one-tenth of American children are being prescribed psychotropic drugs which have a slew of serious side effects, and he offers an alternative to these medications. Most of the children on these medications are diagnosed with either attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). How strange is it that twenty years earlier, these psychiatric labels did not exist?

The common side effects of many of the medications prescribed for ADD and ADHD include insomnia, irritability, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, and heart palpitations. And there is a growing trend of drugs like Ritalin and other speed-like medications in this category being used recreationally and sold as street drugs.

Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD challenges the status quo and offers parents and teachers an alternative solution to the prevalent go-to use of psychiatric drugging. In the book, Dr. Stein lays out a step-by-step behavioral treatment program called the Caregivers Skill Program. This plan is based on clinical trials and research, and is meant to help children behave better at home, focus better in school, and to be more motivated and emotionally healthy overall. The program is easy to put into action, and the book also provides advice and insight for parents feeling pressured by the school system and psychiatric profession to put their children on medication.

About the Author

Dr. David B. Stein is a psychologist who worked as a clinical practitioner and professor of psychology in Virginia. He also was deputized with the Prince George Co. Police Department in Virginia, and worked as a criminal profiling consultant for Petersburg and Virginia State Police. Dr. Stein is an accomplished author who spent most of his career fighting against and exposing the evils of using amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADD and ADHD. His other books include The Psychology Industry Under a Microscope, Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The REST Program, Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco, and Stop Medicating, Start Parenting. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 years old, and is survived by his wife, two sons and two grandchildren.


John Rosemond, Family Psychologist, Author and Nationally Syndicated Columnist:

“My faith in my profession is almost renewed! Stein not only flies in the face of conventional psychological ”wisdom” where ADD/ADHD is concerned, but he has written a book that is completely devoid of psychobabble. Even if you don’t have a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, buy ”Ritalin Is Not the Answer”. Thank you, Dr. Stein, for bringing a thousand rays of sunshine to America’s children.”

John W. Verheul, diplomate, American Academy of Family Practice:

“This book should be read by every physician before prescribing Ritalin and is an absolute must for any parent of a child diagnosed as having ADD and ADHD.”

Edward D. Smith, professor of psychology, Longwood College:

“Stein has years of experience at successfully treating hyperactive children without the use of drugs. Any parent who thinks his or her child may have an attention disorder (ADD or ADHD) should read this clear and practical book before seeking treatment.”

Ritalin is Not the Answer Action Guide: An Interactive Companion to the Bestselling Drug-Free ADD/ADHD Parenting Program

Dr. David Stein’s Ritalin is Not The Answer : A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD was published in 1999 and has become a resource that parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (ADHD) rely on. Then, to make the Caregiver’s Skill Program outlined in that book even easier to apply, Dr. Stein published Ritalin is Not the Answer Action Guide: An Interactive Companion to the Bestselling Drug-Free ADD/ADHD Parenting Program three years later in 2002.

The Caregiver’s Skill Program is an alternative to psychiatric drugs, meant to help improve children’s behavior at home and in school, and help children become more motivated and emotionally balanced overall. Ritalin is Not the Answer Action Guide is a follow up to Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and uses the same principles and methods of the Caregiver’s Skill Program, and will help you execute the plan and track progress with step-by-step guidelines, checklists, self-tests, exercises and resources for parents and teachers.

About the Author

Dr. David B. Stein is a psychologist who worked as a clinical practitioner and professor of psychology in Virginia. He also was deputized with the Prince George Co. Police Department in Virginia, and worked as a criminal profiling consultant for Petersburg and Virginia State Police. Dr. Stein is an accomplished author who spent most of his career fighting against and exposing the evils of using amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADD and ADHD. His other books include The Psychology Industry Under a Microscope, Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The REST Program, Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco, and Stop Medicating, Start Parenting. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 years old, and is survived by his wife, two sons and two grandchildren.


Washington Times:

“Offers parents of children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD an entire program for improving behavior and raising performance-without resorting to drugs. Dr. Stein offers much good practical advice.”

DuBose Ravenel, M.D., Cornerstone Pediatrics, Highpoint, North Carolina:

“As a practicing pediatrician, I have been using Dr. Stein’s book Ritalin is Not the Answer as an alternative to medication, and I have achieved great success with parents who prefer a non-medication approach…. Once you see results, as I have, your views on ADD/ADHD will inevitably begin to change.”

Youth Today:

“Shows Ritalin, a drug commonly used to treat ADHD in millions of young children, to be a dangerously addictive drug…. Anyone who acts as a caregiver for elementary-aged children diagnosed with ADHD should consider this perspective.”

The Shooting Drugs – Prozac and its Generation Exposed on the Internet

This book was written by Donna Smart, who is a Prozac survivor. At first she thought Prozac was really helping her, until she realized it was the very reason she lost everything – from her marriage to her successful career to her sanity. Smart learned that Prozac and other similar SSRI drugs such as Zoloft, Paxil and Wellbutrin are meant to create the illusion for the person taking the drug that they are doing “great” and as a result, the person often defends the drug vehemently. Meanwhile, they fail to notice their life falling apart and sanity being taken away from them; ultimately, these drugs create faulty judgement in the people taking them and create a false sense of self.

While Smart managed to come off Prozac and didn’t lose her life, many other victims succumbed to the darkness created in their life by the drug. Actor Phil Hartman was shot to death by his wife who was on Zoloft at the time, and then she proceeded to kill herself. And then there is rock star Del Shannon, civil rights leader Abby Hoffman, and the 50,000 other people that have lost their lives thanks to Prozac-induced suicide. These numbers are provided by a brain specialist who contributed thorough research to the book.

In The Shooting Drugs – Prozac and its Generation Exposed on the Internet, Smart provides over 200 accounts of Prozac side effects from over 200 individuals who took the drug. These side effects range from violent and suicidal ideations to significant weight gain to dysfunction with sex and love. Many have also reported that after taking SSRIs they were led into substance abuse and they became increasingly self-absorbed. Often, the side effects brought on by SSRIs cause patients to avoid coming off the drug.

This book also touches on the prevalent role SSRIs played in school shootings as well as workplace massacres. Smart warns readers about the role the psychiatric community plays and how many doctors do not lead patients to the truth about these drugs. The Shooting Drugs gives a thorough and clear account of the dangers of Prozac and other SSRIs, and makes an excellent case for why no one should take a prescription drug before researching it from every angle.


Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child

In this book, well-known family psychologist, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and best-selling author John Rosemond brings parents back to the Biblical basics. Though he holds a degree in psychology, at some point along the way Rosemond became a born-again Christian and started fighting against the “new age” idolatry of the psychological practice.

In Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Your Child, Rosemond explains how parents have stopped taking advice from previous generations and started relying too much on psychological professionals for guidance on how to raise their children. As a result, the more recent generations of children have become victimized, requiring increasing doses of therapy and psychiatric drugs.

The solution, says Rosemond, is reviving Biblical principles in parenting, and focusing more on teaching our children to respect others, as opposed to focusing on self-esteem. Discipline and punishment are necessary to a child’s growth, says Rosemond, in opposition to modern psychology’s idea that punishment hurts a child’s self-esteem and therefore children should not have to face consequences for their behavior. These new ideas from modern psychology have turned parenting into an extremely frustrating and anxiety-provoking endeavor for both parents and children.

Parenting by the Book is well-researched book that lays out a simple and effective plan for raising happy and emotionally healthy children who will grow into a successful adulthood. This book also provides parents with answers to how to raise their children to be the best they can be, while maintaining sanity and peace of mind.

About the Author

John Rosemond is a family psychologist and parenting expert. He has written thirteen books on parenting issues and is a syndicated columnist for over 200 newspapers. His latest book is The Bible Parenting Code: Revealing God’s Perfect Parenting Plan. Rosemond and his Certified Leadership Parenting Coaches answer questions at Rosemond is also an in-demand speaker on parenting and family issues, having appeared on a number of major television talk shows.


Dr. Kevin Leman, author of Making Children Mind without Losing Yours:

“John Rosemond is one of the few psychologists I’ve ever met who always makes sense. This is the best common-sense guide to parenting I’ve read in a long time.”

Glenn T. Stanton, author of Marriage on Trial and My Crazy, Imperfect Christian Family:

“If you think ‘new’ is always better, this is not the book for you. John does all parents a huge service by skillfully illuminating the timeless wisdom of Scripture that has served generations in raising healthy, happy, obedient human beings. I was struck, both as a parent and a professional, at how simply and practically John presents these biblical truths for mothers and fathers. Parenting by the Book could start a parenting revolution, and I pray it does for the sake of our children.”

DuBose Ravenel, MD, FAAP, pediatrician and emeritus member of Focus of the Family medical advisor team:

“Truly a masterpiece. John’s concepts are consistent with both biblical principles and the best parenting research. As such, they work! A must-read for parents and professionals who work with parents.”

John Rosemond’s New Parent Power! (Volume 11)

Through his many other best-selling books on raising children, John Rosemond has become a voice of reason for millions on the topic of traditional parenting. This book, John Rosemond’s New Parent Power! (Volume 11) combines two of Rosemond’s most successful volumes: Parent Power! and his 6 Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children. 

This new volume is a revised and updated compilation of some of the best advice for raising your child as a member of the family instead of having the family revolve around the child. One of the main premises of this book is that parents have more experience and wisdom than children, and it is their role to teach children what part they play in the family. Parent must lay out ground rules for their children and make them aware of what will happen if they disobey.

John Rosemond’s New Parent Power! does an excellent job of showing why children are the way they are, and how parents can help them develop their child in a way that will create a productive, happy and meaningfully contributing citizen. He explains how children need discipline, structure and order, even if they don’t always show it. Children look to the parent as a source of authority, so it’s critical that the parent play this part effectively. Rosemond brings his own role as a parent and grandparent into his perspective on how to love and raise healthy children in a way that will benefit both parent and child in the long-term, without using attachment parenting.

About the Author

John Rosemond is a family psychologist and parenting expert. He has written thirteen books on parenting issues and is a syndicated columnist for over 200 newspapers. His latest book is The Bible Parenting Code: Revealing God’s Perfect Parenting Plan. Rosemond and his Certified Leadership Parenting Coaches answer questions at Rosemond is also an in-demand speaker on parenting and family issues, having appeared on a number of major television talk shows.


The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline that Really Works!

Have you spread yourself too thin in your efforts to get your child to listen, pay attention and follow directions? Are you tired of wasting so much energy on methods that seem to have no effect, and need a simple strategy that really works? Family psychologist, best-selling author and parenting expert John Rosemond is the person to turn to. His thirty-six years of experience dealing with families using biblical principles and tried-and-true traditional parenting approaches is packaged into one very valuable how-to guidebook: The Well Behaved Child: Discipline That Really Works!

In the book, Rosemond equips parents with the tools to effectively handle a wide range of behavioral problems in children from ages three through thirteen. This clear, step-by-step guide outlines how parents can take a disciplinary approach that is based around three very important “C-words”: communication, commanding and compelling consequences.

The Well-Behaved Child consists of sections including:

  • Essential Discipline Principles
  • Essential Discipline Tools
  • Perplexing Problems and Simple Solutions
  • Not Your Everyday Problems
  • General Questions and Answers (Troubleshooting)

Among the notable aspects of Rosemond’s teachings that are included in the book is the “Short and Sweet” principle, which teaches parents to use fewer words when instructing children. This principle is proven to not only make it more likely for the child to obey, but it also saves the parent energy and frustration. The “Alpha Speech” principle that Rosemond uses in the book teaches parents to respond to children’s questioning with “because I said so” as opposed to constantly explaining themselves. This approach simplifies a child’s life and allows them to accept the parent’s authority instead of continually trying to challenge it.

The Well-Behaved Child is simple, practical and effective. It will create better leadership qualities in your child, strengthen the parent-child bond, and empower your child to become a better decision-maker.

About the Author

John Rosemond is a family psychologist and parenting expert. He has written thirteen books on parenting issues and is a syndicated columnist for over 200 newspapers. His latest book is The Bible Parenting Code: Revealing God’s Perfect Parenting Plan. Rosemond and his Certified Leadership Parenting Coaches answer questions at Rosemond is also an in-demand speaker on parenting and family issues, having appeared on a number of major television talk shows.


The Well-Behaved Child offers sensible, useful advice and opinion on a wide variety of parenting issues including tantrums (children’s, not parents’), sibling rivalry, stealing, lying, defiance and more.”

The Diseasing of America’s Children: Exposing the ADHD Fiasco and Empowering Parents to Take Back Control

This book, written by psychologist John Rosemond and pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel, exposes the fallacy behind the creation of these behavioral and developmental “diseases” such as ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and early-onset bipolar disorder (EDOBD). These diagnoses do not conform to the scientific definition of what a disease is, and lack tangible evidence, yet children are being diagnosed with such labels at alarming rates.

In the book, Rosemond and Dr. Ravenel uncover how the “ADHD Establishment” – which includes mental health professionals, physicians, patient advocacy groups, and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole – have tricked parents, teachers, patients, consumers and medical professionals into believing they suffer from an illness and need medication for it. There is little evidence that this particular illness exists, and all the while, the ADHD Establishment continues to amass growing profits. The Diseasing of America’s Children: Exposing the ADHD Fiasco and Empowering Parents to Take Back Control explains the new age pseudo-science that has been used to create these “diseases,” and examines how the school system is part of the problem.

This book reveals the dangers posed by many of these behavioral drugs prescribed for these so-called conditions. Finally, backed by scientific research and years of professional experience, Rosemond and Dr. Ravenel outline methods proven effective to address behavioral issues such as defiance, tantrums and disrespect. These solutions can help children at home and in school without the need for pharmaceuticals or professional help.

About the Authors

John Rosemond

John Rosemond is a family psychologist and parenting expert. He has written thirteen books on parenting issues and is a syndicated columnist for over 200 newspapers. His latest book is The Bible Parenting Code: Revealing God’s Perfect Parenting Plan. Rosemond and his Certified Leadership Parenting Coaches answer questions at Rosemond is also an in-demand speaker on parenting and family issues, having appeared on a number of major television talk shows.

Dr. Bose Ravenel

Dr. Ravenel is a distinguished pediatrician repeatedly recognized as one of the Best Doctors in America prior to his retirement in March 2020. He is a member of several professional organizations, and a author and speaker in the areas of child discipline and parenting. He received his medical degree from Duke University, and trained in pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Ravenel also published a commentary titled A New Paradigm for ADD/ADHD and Behavioral Management Without Medication.

Is This Your Child?

This book, written by Dr. Doris Rapp, gives a thorough overview of allergies and how they can affect children, both physically and behaviorally. There are common accepted allergic reactions that most of us are familiar with, such as hives, asthma or hay fever. But allergic reactions can also come in many forms we are unaware, of, as Dr. Rapp demonstrates in Is This Your Child?.

Allergic reactions caused by certain foods or chemicals can have symptoms that vary from nasal congestion, to stomach issues and even epilepsy in some cases. But here are also many behavioral issues, from motor mouth, inability to concentrate, and aggression, that can be caused by a particular food or chemical that is part of that child’s environment. Yet so often, these causes go undetected, and the child and parent both suffer. Dr. Rapp is adamant that parents take a step back when their child is feeling and behaving unwell, and resist the temptation to immediately blame themselves or look to a prescription medication for the answer.

Dr. Rapp covers many aspects of allergies in Is This Your Child?. She goes the history of allergies and how the definition was changed over time. She also goes over statistics of how common allergies are, and explains how family history factors into a child’s likelihood of developing allergies. Finally, in the book, Dr. Rapp explains how parents can identify the certain foods or chemicals that are causing their child (or themselves) to feel unwell, and how to prevent and treat these allergic reactions.

About the Author

Doris J. Rapp, M.D., F.A.A.A., F.A.A.P., is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist for children. In 1975, as a practicing pediatric allergist in New York, she attended a meeting on food allergy and while at first she found it hard to believe what the speakers were saying, she decided to take a deeper look into the symptoms that can be caused by allergens and food. This led her on a conquest she became very dedicated to. Despite the rampant criticism she received, including many people who tried to discredit her medical work, she stepped up her research. She performed double-blind studies and videotaped countless testing sessions to document the adverse effects of environmental factors in vulnerable individuals.

Dr. Rapp’s work has been very eye-opening for the medical community. Her research has helped people that suffer from a number of ailments, including Tourette syndrome and Gulf War Syndrome. Dr. Rapp is clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the founder of the Practical Allergy Foundation in Buffalo and is the former president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.