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Is Big Pharma Behind Copyright Claims in Legal Battle for Covenant Shooter’s Documents?

Image by Jukka Niittymaa from Pixabay

July 12, 2024


According to The Tennessee Star, Ed Yarbrough, of the Spencer Fane Law Firm, who represents the Covenant Children’s Trust, has nothing to say about whether or not any financial compensation has been paid by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) to the victims of its patient, Audrey Hale.

Remember the Covenant Children’s Trust claims to own the copyright of the shooter’s documents, including Hale’s mental health records and manifesto. Yarbrough was asked whether his client, the Covenant School or Covenant Presbyterian Church were approached by VUMC to discuss its potential civil liability over its treatment of Hale. What did Yarbrough have to say? Nothing. I’m “not able to comment.” Why?

Given the twenty-two years of mental health “treatment” at the hands of Vanderbilt’s psychiatrists, it seems logical that its failed mental health program for Hale would be a huge target for the families of the victims and others. So, the fact that Yarbrough is crickets about a payout one can’t help but wonder whether Big Pharma is involved.

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School Shooters’ Nikolas Cruz & Audrey Hale Were Recipients of Drug Cocktails. It’s Time to Make Providers Accountable.

Image by Emilian Danaila from Pixabay

July 9, 2024

Finally, journalists are asking the necessary questions relating to mass shootings, how they are investigated, prosecuted and where the responsibility lies.  The Tennessee Star has nailed the questions that have escaped the smartest guys in the room – the behavioral health unit of the FBI, lawmakers, and the entire justice system. Who is responsible and how did the mental health treatments & psychiatric cocktails contribute to the motivations and actions of so many of today’s mass killers.

The Tennessee Star’s powerful series of leaked documents relating to Audrey Hale’s 22-years of psychiatric treatment by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is shocking but, remarkably, not unlike the decades of treatment that the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter in Parkland, Fl., Nikolas Cruz, received at the hands of the Florida Henderson Behavioral Health, Inc.

Henderson is a behavioral health vendor that is funded by the State of Florida and had many opportunities during his “treatment” sessions to determine Cruz’s mental health status. What did Henderson’s mental health wizards conclude about Cruz? That’s right, Cruz was “not a harm to himself or anyone else” prior to his killing spree. Ironically, like Hale, Cruz lived a life of one psychiatric drug cocktail to the next.

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Sandy Hook’s, Adam Lanza, and Nashville’s, Audrey Hale, Mental Health Records Are Key to Violent Attacks

Newstimes Contributed Photo Nancy Lanza Sandy Hook, Newtown, Connecticut

July 8, 2024

The decision by Tennessee Judge I’Ashea L. Myles to withhold from public view every single document written by Audrey Hale, the Covenant School shooter, is like Groundhog Day. Remember that all the mental health records surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting also have been withheld. What is it that can’t be seen in these shooting incidents and who is being protected?

Recall that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on December 14, 2012, was one of the deadliest school shootings, leaving 20 children and 6 adults dead at the hands of 20-year-old Adam Lanza. Like in the case of Audrey Hale, in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, Lanza’s complete mental health record was never made available for public review and may be providing cover for Yale University Child Study Center and Robert King, MD.

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Who is the Judge Protecting? Covenant School Shooter’s Writings Won’t See the Light of Day. 


Chancellor Judge I’Ashea L. Myles Photo Credit Instagram

July 5, 2024

Tennessee Judge I’Ashea L. Myles has ruled that not one page of the writings by the Covenant school shooter, Audrey Hale, will be released for public review. Why? Sounds like a cover up. Who is being protected?

The ruling is an insult that helps no one. The cat is already out of the bag. Audrey Hale was a mental patient from the age of six when in 2001 Hale’s parents turned her over to the mental health “experts” at Vanderbilt University Hospital. And had it not been for the leaked information from a law enforcement source to the Tennessee Star reporters, we’d have no idea the amount of psychiatric drugging that was being conducted on Hale.

But first we must take a step back and wonder why Hale’s parents found it helpful or necessary to turn over their daughter’s writings to the Covenant School and the parents of the victims. Why? Mom and Dad Hale knew their daughter was a mental health mess for many years. Mom and Dad Hale knew about the psychiatric drug experimenting that was done on their daughter. In fact, Norma Hale is reported to have told investigators that Audrey had to “go through a series of medications to find one that was appropriate for her.” Really?

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Covenant Shooter, Audrey Hale’s “Mental Health Treatment” Would Make the Angels Weep

Audrey Hale, Photo credit ABC News

July 3, 2024


New mental illnesses and prescribed psychiatric drug information for the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, is released daily by Tom Pappert of The Tennessee Star. And it seems deliberate that this information is being withheld by law enforcement and will only see the light of day if it is leaked to reporters. Otherwise, if the public was to get its hands on Hale’s complete mental health/psychiatric drug record, it would make the Angels weep.

Last week it was reported that four prescribed mind-altering drugs (Lorazepam, Buspirone, Lexapro and Hydroxyzine) were found during the search of Hales parent’s home after the shooting. Since then, two more articles have revealed that Hale had been prescribed Prozac (Fluoxetine) for depression when she was in high school and became suicidal while taking the drug. No surprise there. Prozac, like all the antidepressants, carries the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) black box warning for suicidality.

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FBI Shooters Report Excludes Any Data Relating to Mental Health and Psychiatric Drugs


June 25, 2024

A new report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documenting the common factors relating to active shooter incidents completely excludes psychiatric drug use.  The executive summary highlights that in 2013 President Obama signed into law the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 in response to clarifying the role of the FBI in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook mass shooting.  Nothing in this Act prohibits or limits the collection of vital data related to mental health products or services that may be pertinent in mass shooting incidents.

Ironically, in the introduction, the FBI explains that it will not include information about drug related violence. Why? What does that even mean? Is the FBI referring to illegal and legal? Even though the intent of the report is to “better understand the levels of threats associated with active shooter incidents,” the FBI has deliberately left out information that not only provides insight into the actions of the shooters, but in today’s prescription-fueled drug world, is critical.  Missing from the FBI report literally is anything to do with mental health. Psychiatric drugs, psychotropic drugs, mental health, mental health records, behavioral health, or medications do not show up in the report.

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Maine Governor’s Independent Commission Withholds Important Drug Information on Robert Card

June 23, 2024

The saturation of media coverage on government “special commissions,” failed gun control legislation and mass mental health spending in the aftermath of mass killings, whether by intent or accident, misses the singular thing that usually is withheld… the name of the drug, or cocktail of psychiatric drugs, the killers have been prescribed and by who.

The failed attempts to legislate violent human behavior, and the deep thinkers appointed to commissions that routinely produce investigations that fail to answer even the most basic questions, do nothing to reduce mass violence.  In fact, what these commissions really are revealing is an apparent determination to withhold behavioral health information, including psychiatric drugs use among the mass shooters.

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Montana Senator Lashes Out After Article Highlights Montana Outsourcing Mental Health to China.



Senator Bob Keenan – Montana

Ten days ago, AbleChild released an article about the State of Montana outsourcing its behavioral health system to a New York consulting firm with ties to China.

Much to AbleChild’s surprise, Montana State Senator Bob Keenan (the Commission Chair and sponsor of the legislation) contacted AbleChild four days later, explaining that there were “so many inaccuracies in your opinion piece!”

AbleChild works hard to provide accurate information to its members and the public. So, naturally, AbleChild contacted Senator Keenan requesting that he provide exactly what he believed was “inaccurate” in the article.

No one could have expected such a derogatory email in response where the Senator literally berates AbleChild and either makes up or, in the least, hides the identity of some nefarious individual who slanders AbleChild without having the courage to show his or her face.

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What Happened to the First Amendment, Sandy Hook? – Reprinted Article



Wall Street Journal Photo – Alex Jones

Reprinted Article AbleChild legislation in the aftermath of Sandy Hook – Obtaining the Mental Health Records of Adam Lanza

Forward Note:

A simple search relating to any news coverage of Sandy Hook would show that the Sandy Hook families who lost their children didn’t sue Professor James Tracy.  In addition, it is noteworthy to understand that Professor James Tracy’s legal attempts to have the Supreme Court review his case under the first amendment were rejected, Why?  Professor Tracy wasn’t fired because of what he said, but the fact he didn’t disclose his outside activities that apparently violated his contract. – food for thought.

It is true Alex Jones questioned the official narrative the day Sandy Hook mass shooting was being covered live by the National News with the involvement from the FBI, and State Police.

Jones certainly wasn’t incorrect about the FBI agent showing up to a crime scene ill prepared and without the proper equipment, that shocking fact came directly from the FBI agent himself on the stand at the Alex Jones trial.  The same FBI agent who is currently profiting off the Sandy Hook crime scene by suing Alex Jones.  This agent failed to produce the FBI waiver that is required by FBI ethics and protocols to obtain approval to profit off such crime scenes.  This official FBI waiver was clearly missing  at the Connecticut trial of Alex Jones.  An FBI agent suing relating to a crime scene for profit?  This just might be a first.

Original Article:

What Happened to the First Amendment, Sandy Hook?

Reference articled by Jacqueline Smith

In response to Jacqueline Smith and her opinion of Professor James Tracy, two words immediately spring to mind: Toughen up. Strong reaction? Yes. But trampling on the First Amendment is serious and requires a strong response.

Smith claims that Professor Tracy doesn’t have a First Amendment right to “spew his nonsense.” There is no need to go any further in her rambling, disjointed piece. Smith simply does not understand that it is precisely this kind of “nonsense” that the Founding Fathers intended to protect.

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Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records & Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?


According to recently released information about the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, psychiatric “treatment” was part of Hale’s life since early childhood. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) were aware of this important information within days of the shooting but have refused to share it with the public. Why?

Recall that on March 27 of last year, Hale deliberately traveled to the Covenant School with the sole purpose of taking lives. The mentally ill shooter succeeded in taking the lives of three children and three adult staff.

More than a year has passed since the shooting and, finally, information about Hale and her mental health history is being made public, including information about the cocktail of prescription drugs Hale had been prescribed.

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