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Author: Sheila Matthews

Mass Murder in Maine, Risk Assessment Expert on Governor Mill’s Panel

The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, has selected several very interesting “experts” to find out what caused Robert Card to shoot and kill several members of the community in Lewiston Maine.

We know Robert Card was a mental health patient of the US military, through Keller Hospital, and also the private psychiatric hospital Four Winds in Katonah, New York.  AbleChild has already covered Psychiatrist Dr. Ng, now, let’s look at Dr. Debra Baeder.

Dr. Debra Baeder, Ph.D – Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology, Baedar served as Chief Forensic Psychologist for the State Forensic Service in Maine and then as the Director of Clinical Services for the Maine Office of Behavioral Health for 23 years.

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Will Governor Mills’ Commission Get to The Truth?

Isn’t it just swell that the Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, will be forming an “independent commission” to investigate the events leading up to the mass murders in Lewiston, Maine, including the previous signs related to the murderer.” That’s a grand idea. But will the Governor get to the nuts and bolts or is it just more political pandering and grandstanding?

The thing is, there is much to be learned that may shed some light on why the killer, Robert Card became another in a long line of mass murderers. Let’s start with Card’s mental health. It’s the best place to start. C’mon we all know that for fourteen days Card was “treated” for mental health issues last July at Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital in Katonah, New York by a Psychiatrist; he was referred by a Psychologist from the Keller Army Community Hospital in upstate New York. What we don’t know, and must know, is what “treatment” did Card receive?

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Inside AbleChild’s Humanitarian Visit to CT Mental Health Facility

AbleChild had an opportunity to do a humanitarian spot visit to a Medicaid funded Mental Health facility in Connecticut.  We were shocked at the condition of the property, reviewed the audit on the facility; and we were denied access to see inside.  This is what we found.  See below video and you decide.  Is this mental health?  The audit done shows that the State of Connecticut is not in compliance.

Rare footage of Connecticut’s Mental Health for Wards of the State.


The National Defense Education Act versus the Mental Health & Drug Industries

The Biden-Harris Administration wants to help schools deliver “critical mental health care services” to students by, once again, proposing millions for an industry that has enjoyed billions over the years with deadly outcomes producing a generation in decline.   This massive mental/behavioral health industry started out as a “carved out research program” on children.  The program never received proper public hearings allowing the public, and particularly parents, to begin to understand the potential consequences of the strong pharmaceutical influence in the lives of their child’s daily routine at school or the potentially serious, long-term medical outcomes.  The program was pushed into the education system; and it began in the smallest State, Rhode Island, in July, of 1970.

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Proposed Legislation Misses Target in the Aftermath of Parkland Mass Murder

Following the Parkland school shooting sentencing trial of Nikolas Cruz, there is an attempt to make it easier for juries in the State of Florida to impose the death penalty, a bill has been filed in both houses of the Florida Legislature to change the determination from unanimous consent to just eight jurors voting in the affirmative.  Once again, special interest groups appear to be begging for more power in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting.

The State of Connecticut in the aftermath of Sandy Hook allowed special interest groups to hijack lawmaking to go after the 2nd Amendment and gun manufacturers. Florida in the aftermath of Parkland is now allowing special interest groups to change unanimous consent by a jury to eight in agreement to put a human being to death.  Both States appear to be willing to look at any measures except those that will address the real issue at hand, the State’s involvement (and responsibility) in the wide-scale drugging of too many of these shooters from kindergarten to young adults.

The sentencing trial of Nikolas Cruz exposed for the first time the psychiatric behavioral health vendors hired by the State of Florida to provide mental health treatment to Nikolas Cruz from a very young age. Cruz’s introduction to behavioral modification thru the use of psychiatric drugs began while he was still in elementary school.  According to court testimony, he was first put on Strattera in 2003 when he was just seven years old. The following is a list of what is known about his “treatment.” What is missing, and was absent from the testimony during his trial, is the serious adverse events associated with each of these drugs and increased adverse events when taken as a cocktail.

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The Ball is in the Court! Mental Health Outcomes on Trial

Public and private behavioral health relationships are killing our citizens by mass murder.  The merger between public and private entities has long been a problem for the American citizen. Have we reached a saturation level illustrated with mass killings throughout the Country? There is so much evidence at this point, it would be disastrous for us all to ignore.

Is the State acting as a double agent? An agent of the public and an agent of the private companies hired by the State? When the State is in that position, does the State support the citizen or the private company?

The mass school and public killings is a direct example and outcome of this 3-way relationship and hidden danger for the citizen. The State can no longer be trusted when it willfully selects the private company interest over the citizen. There is no greater crime when the State becomes a predator of the very citizen that is funding its existence.

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FDA Responds to AbleChild’s MedWatch PSA Request for Public Education

Recently, AbleChild requested that the FDA run their own PSA (Public Service Announcement) to educate the public on how to report Adverse Drug Reactions directly to the Agency.  The FDA’s response to our request is shocking, as they state that because MedWatch is a “voluntary” program, there is no need to run the PSA to educate the people on its existence and importance.

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Why Toxicology & Death Certificate Reports Matter in Setting Public Policy

As a Country, we rely on death statistics to improve public policy and enhance overall health.   Believe it or not the details in the toxicology and death certificates that are processed through the medical examiner’s office provide valuable information to set public policy.  When this information is withheld from the public, it is a detriment to ones personal liberty.  National issues, such as mental health treatments, gun control, and the right to privacy are directly impacted and become distorted when numbers are manipulated.

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