Another crazed, gun-toting kid wantonly, tragically kills ten and wounds three innocent people
in a small upstate New York town. We’ve heard this scenario played out time and again. Is it
really that simple? Another crazy kid spewing hate, remedying his discontent in a hail of bullets.
Maybe.But why not conduct a complete investigation, including releasing the shooter’s psychiatric
drug “treatment?”
Law enforcement, lawmakers and media pundits whip out the same tired script, focusing on the
killing weapon…the gun, while completely ignoring another possibility for the murderous
madness – mental health psychiatric drug “treatment.” How many more must die before an
open, honest, dialogue takes place about the serious adverse events associated with mental
health “treatment?”
What is known so far is that Payton Gendron, 18, has a mental health history. How far back this
history goes may never be released. But we do know that he was investigated in 2021 just prior
to his graduation from High School for making what then were taken as threatening comments
to classmates.
The then 17-year-old, reported by school officials, was taken into custody by the New York
state police and admitted for a mental health evaluation. The 17-year-old was evaluated for
about a day and a half and released. Police Commissioner, Joseph Gramaglia, did not describe
the findings of the mental health evaluation nor what, if any, drug “treatment” was provided.
Certainly, authorities can’t be falling back on the privacy protections provided under the HIPPA.
Those privacy protections effectively went out the window with the COVID-19 pandemic. The
minute the emergency vaccines were instituted, health privacy meant nothing when
government entities decided that the health and welfare of all far outweighed the privacy of a
Where does this deliberate refusal to release the mental health history, including all prescribed
psychiatric medications, come from? Is it really about protecting the medical records of the
accused shooter or, perhaps, is it really about protecting the mental health regime and
pharmaceutical giants from failed diagnoses and murderous treatments?
What, exactly, was the result of Gendron’s mental health examination? Was Gendron provided
a psychiatric diagnosis and “treated” with psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs? Was Gendron
requested to attend mental health anger management classes? Was there follow up after the
evaluation, which included his parents ensuring their son was taking his drug “treatment?” No
one knows and it appears that the authorities don’t seem to think that it matters. But it does
Take for instance, that it is not widely known that despite a litany of antidepressants on the market, only
Prozac has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in children. All other
antidepressants are prescribed by doctors “off-label” to children. According to the adverse events listed by
the drug companies, antidepressants can cause the following adverse effects: Mania, Psychosis, Abnormal
Behavior, Anxiety, Violent Behavior, depersonalization, hallucinations, hostility, and delusions to name a
few, and come with an FDA Black Box Warning for causing Suicidality – the FDA’s most serious warning
before removing a drug from the market.
Given the adverse events listed above, would not the public be better served if it knew less