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School-Based Mental Health Diagnosing, A Prescription for Disaster

December 9, 2024


A Biden-Harris Administration information paper explains that “our country is facing an unprecedented mental health crisis impacting people of all ages. In 2021, two in five American adults reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression and forty-four percent of high school students reported struggling with persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.”

Rather than ask why the nation is in the throes of a national mental health crisis, the Biden-Harris Administration, with the help of a useless Congress, decided to throw money at the “mental health crisis.” That’s right, our exalted leaders haven’t got a clue why Americans are depressed, sad, anxious, and hopeless and, in fact, don’t care to find out. But the President and Congress believe that money will fix the “crisis.” And just to make the damage as widespread as possible, they’ll enact mandatory programs that target vulnerable, naive school kids.

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Be the Voice for the Voiceless. Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded. Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive.  As a 501(c)3 organization, your donation to AbleChild is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.

No Exit Plan for Psychiatric “Treatment,” Despite Billions Spent on Drugs

December 2, 2024

While the psychiatric/behavioral health community cries for equal funding and “parity” with other medical conditions, unlike the medical field, psychiatry has never been required to practice under equal standards. Specifically, the mental health industry has never been required to provide an exit plan from its alleged drug “treatments.”

For example, when a person breaks a leg, an X-ray is taken of the suspected broken bone, the broken bone is set, and a cast is worn for six weeks. A follow up X-ray reveals the bone has healed and the cast is removed. A cast is not worn for months, years or life. Or, for instance, in the case of cancer, chemotherapy or radiation may be provided and the tumor is regularly checked for reduction. Chemotherapy and radiation are not provided for life.

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Deadly Weapon: The Mental Health Industry’s Lethal Treatments

November 25, 2025

Teenage Boy With Mental Health Problems Taking Medication At Home

Spencer Pearson, a former high school football star, was handed a life sentence last week for his 2023 violent and vicious stabbing attack of then 17-year-old Madison Schemitz in Ponte Vedra, Fla. It’s reported that Pearson “trembled and bowed his head in court” as the judge passed sentence.

Yes, as one would expect when one’s life is on the line, Pearson was contrite. And it’s important to note that Pearson’s attorney tried, unsuccessfully, to use the attackers “varied mental illnesses” as a mitigating defense. Of course, anyone would argue that someone who committed such a brutal attack must be suffering from mental illness. But is it that easy? Or is it possible that something else is at play?

For example, lots of young teenage boys’ experience getting dumped by girlfriends and don’t stalk them and then violently, repeatedly stab the former girlfriend, her mother and a stranger who stepped in to try and stop the rampage. No. Something else is at play here and, based on other brutal attacks carried out by seemingly normal unassuming teenage boys, one cannot help but admit this attack has the odor of a life of mental health intervention.

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Alarming Surge in Military Suicides: Pentagon Ignores Psychiatric Drugging

November 21, 2024

With so much news about the recent Presidential election taking up most of the news cycle, the Department of Defense (DoD) Annual Report on Suicide for 2023 was released and, unfortunately, summarily ignored.  Our Service members deserve more, especially in light of the findings in the report.

Suicides among active-duty military personnel are at all-time highs and according to a USO report, “some branches of the Armed Forces are experiencing the highest rate of suicides since before World War II.”

These data become even more startling when one understands that the same USO research reveals that “military suicide rates are four times higher than deaths that occurred during military operations.” By 2021, the data revealed that since 9/11 30,177 active-duty personnel and veterans died by suicide compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same twenty years.

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Incoming HHS Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. the Right Guy to Clean up the Mental Health Crisis

November 19, 2024

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

With the recent nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as the next Secretary of the federal health behemoth, the Department of Health and Human Services, the time has come for a thorough investigation into the connection between psychiatric drugs and mass shootings.  The incoming Secretary seems open to such an investigation.

During a Turkish state-owned TRT World interview, Kennedy argued that “other causes needed to be studied, such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), commonly used as antidepressants, and video games” in relation to mass shootings. In addition, during a conversation discussing mass shootings with Elon Musk, Kennedy mentioned that “before Prozac was introduced, we had almost none of these events.”  

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State’s Audit Reveals Rampant Abuse of Psychotropic Drugs on Children in State Care

November 13, 2024

MA Audit Shows Children in State Custody are Thrown into Big Pharma & Psychiatrists Hands

A recent audit conducted by the Massachusetts Office of the State Auditor reveals that the Department of Children and Families (DCF) apparently is really bad at doing its job and the fact that the well-being of children is at stake makes the incompetence incomprehensible.

The DCF is tasked with providing services to children who are at risk, victims of abuse or neglect. The services the state is responsible for providing include adoption, guardianship, foster care, housing stabilization and family support.

Specifically, AbleChild is interested in the section of the audit that reviews the oversight of the drugging of children with serious psychiatric mind-altering drugs. The audit reviewed the period from July of 2019 to December of 2023.

During the audit period, 3,899 (22%) of the 17,891 children in DCF’s protective custody were prescribed at least one psychotropic medication. During the audit period, the number of prescriptions filled for each drug category included 1,065 prescriptions for Antianxiety meds, 21,585 Antidepressants, 10,564 Antipsychotics, 10,776 Mood Stabilizers, and 48,453 Stimulants. Clearly chemical behavior modification is a common practice and the state’s DCF social workers are required to participate in, follow and document the medication history of each child under their care.

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Congressional Task Force Neglects “White Van” Evidence in Demand Letter to ATF

November 11, 2024

Photo Credit Daily Mail

The Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump (Task Force) recently has made news regarding its investigation being stymied by the federal agencies that are tasked with not only investigating the attempted assassination, but also providing important documentation to the Task Force. Apparently, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) isn’t being cooperative.

The Task Force sent a letter to ATF in early October requesting numerous documents associated with the Bureau’s part in the investigation and its work with other federal law enforcement agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Secret Service.

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Is “Ghost Networks” Lawsuit Against Insurance Companies the Failure of Mental Health Parity?

November 7, 2024

by lavnatalia, pixabay

It is of interest that a class action lawsuit has been filed in New York which alleges that insurance companies are deliberately harming patients because the directories of listed physicians and professionals are non-existent, a proverbial “ghost network.” The suit further alleges that “there is a mental health crisis in this country and in this state” and the provider directory, the “ghost network,” is “exacerbating patients’ mental health problems” because they can’t contact providers for services needed.

While there are many issues that AbleChild could address about this lawsuit, two problems come to mind. First, whether there is a “mental health crisis,” and who is responsible, is up for debate and, secondly, it seems to AbleChild that this lawsuit is simply an end-around to obtain increased pay for mental health providers, which is being addressed in many states’ Medicaid oversight boards and commissions.

First, the suit alleges that the insurance companies have “mislead” patients by “publishing grossly inaccurate directories of doctors and therapists.” The suit further alleges that these “grossly inaccurate directories” list doctors and qualified professionals who are not within the insurance network – “Ghost Networks.” These “Ghost Networks” “that are replete with errors and duplications, which make them inaccurate, incomplete, deceptive, and misleading” are more likely to be found in Mental Health provider directories.

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DEA Rushes Dangerous, Addictive ADHD Drugs to Market to Meet Demand

October 31, 2024

Alert the media! Get Dan Rather on the phone! The United States of America is having a problem producing enough legal, yet highly addictive, and dangerous, mind-altering drugs that are alleged to “treat” attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the federal agency that oversees drug distribution of Controlled Substances, is responsible for setting quotas and controlling the amount of drug that may be legally produced. In this case, there apparently was a shortfall of ADHD medications in 2022 because there was an enormous increase in the diagnosis of ADHD during the Covid Pandemic and the pharmaceutical manufacturers failed to produce the full amount of approved drug, causing a one billion dose shortfall for 2023 and the great catch-up ensued. One billion doses. Geesh! A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon we’re talking about real drugging!

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