Montana to Outsource State’s Mental Health System to China
Many are voicing concerns about the State of Montana outsourcing its behavioral health to a private consulting firm, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), which also happens to do business with China. Montana’s decision to hire A&M to revamp the state’s behavioral health system has sparked concerns mostly relating to the $300 million dollar price tag associated with the account, but oddly has avoided mention of the firm’s ties to China. Why?
The Montana move to outsourcing these important high-dollar accounts highlights the Behavioral Health Commissions’ unchecked power and lack of public oversight. A&M, a global professional services firm, has a strategic partnership with the Chinese state-owned Zhongze Group, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest and national security risks. Entrusting a company with Chinese connections to overhaul Montana’s sensitive behavioral health infrastructure is for many a cause for alarm.