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Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal

This book is an eye-opener that gives a remarkably thorough history of psychiatry, dating back from the 19th century to the present day. It exposes the manner in which power, money and influence helped peddle theories as facts, which all led to the stronghold that psychiatry had developed on our world today.

Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal covers everything from electric shock treatments in the 50s to the Holocaust. It examines the role that politicians and the media have had over the years. It really gives the reader an entirely new outlook on ideas so many of us just accepted for years without much thought. It shows how many people believed the lies and unknowingly helped contribute to the growth of this monster, and how many others knew all along that they were hurting our children and robbing them of education and growth, but did it anyways.

This very well-researched book schools our society on the fact that these professionals we have listened to and let infiltrate every area of our lives and our children’s lives, who we allow to tell us what is wrong with us and how we should fix it, have no concern in our best interest. Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal says that now is the time we break apart these evil forces and starting turning society around.

About the Author

Bruce Wiseman is a human rights advocate who has fought for several decades to expose and end human rights abuses in the area of mental health. He is an internationally renowned speaker on the topic of psychiatric abuses, having made over 600 radio and television appearances on the damages psychiatry is inflicting on society, ranging from psychiatric drugs to psychiatric sexual abuse to electro shock therapy. He has done extensive work with legislative and judicial authorities in efforts to eliminate these mental health system abuses, and even testified against involuntary commitment of children in front of the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee. Wiseman is a former chairman of the Department of History at the John F. Kennedy University, and currently serves as the U.S. national president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. He holds a master’s degree cum laude from California State University at San Jose, and resides in Los Angeles with his family.


Clinton Miller, National Council for Improved Health:

“Not since Paul Revere took his midnight ride to alert our forefathers that the British were coming has a WARNING been so urgently needed as the wake-up call you deliver in PSYCHIATRY-THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL”

Morton Feldman, Executive Vice President, National Association of Chiefs of Police:

“Psychiatry-The Ultimate Betrayal…answers a tremendous number of questions as to what happened to cause the social unrest we see on a daily basis in this country.”

Director, Office of Consumer Affairs, New Hampshire Hospital, Concord:

“I think you know that I found Ultimate Betrayal to be unrivaled portrayal of psychiatry’s essential tendency to engage in social engineering under the guise of ‘medical expertise’–a dangerous role that they cleverly cultivate at our expense. This book is extremely well done, and I sincerely hope that it will be widely read.”

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail

If you are curious about how school curriculums came to be structured in a manner that puts the population of America in an intellectual slumber, this text is a must-read. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail gives a very thoroughly documented history of the education system from the late 1800s to 1999.

Written by whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt, a former official at the Department of Education during the years 1981-1982 of the Reagan administration, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America exposes the people, government organizations, corporations and domestic and foreign groups that orchestrated this elaborate but purpose-driven plan to ruin the education system through the years. One of the main premises of this plan was to draw it out very gradually so the American people aren’t likely to notice.

In the book, Iserbyt gives shocking details, gathered from her time in the Department of Education as well as the comprehensive research she did afterwards on her discoveries, which will open your eyes to this elusive plan.  She shows why and how students are lacking the reading and math skills that allow them to think independently, and are instead being taught peripheral content that government entities, special interest groups and corporations want them to know. This book will also help you gain a better understanding of the true intentions politicians have when they are passing education reform legislation.

Based on the stark facts revealed in the paper trail that makes up The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, it seems that a pure education has become a near-impossibility in America. Originally published in 1999, the book was updated in 2011 with an important 16-page addition.

About the Author

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is a freelance writer and education professional and activist. She served as a school board director in Maine and co-founded Guardians of Education for Maine, an educational activism group. She served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would manipulate curriculum in America’s classrooms.

Iserbyt also served in the American Red Cross overseas during the Korean War. She has written articles that were published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and she has participated in Congressional hearings. Some of her other publications that exposed the Soviet and Communist doctrine infiltrating our classrooms include the 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and the 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad. She was born in 1930 in Brooklyn, New York and died on February 8, 2022. Sons of Liberty did a remarkable tribute to her work following her death, the video can be viewed here


David Risselada, Author of “Not On My Watch” and “Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest”:

“I have been reading and researching Iserbyt’s book Deliberate Dumbing Down of America for a while now. I was in a social work education program where I was told I wasn’t fit for the program because I opposed the notions of social justice and white privilege. This is when I found Iserbyt’s work. I have written two books myself and blog continuously on the dangers we face concerning operant conditioning and other change methods. In fact, a link to DDD is on my page as well as New Lies For Old and other essential reading. Thanks for what you do. It is definitely appreciated and there are those of us out here fighting the good fight.”