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Tag: Four Winds

Maine Shooter Robert Card’s Psychiatric Diagnosis Finally Revealed by IG. No Drug Information Released.

August 7, 2024

Photo Credit:RMA US Army Freedom of Information Library

It would appear that the U.S. Military is going down the path of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) when it comes to providing detailed mental health information. The recent release of the investigation on Maine shooter Robert Card by the U.S. Army Inspector General is chock full of useless information, but missing what many would argue is most important…what psychiatric drugs Card was prescribed prior to his murderous rampage.

Can’t any government agency ever just provide a straight answer? Apparently not. The Inspector General’s (IG) investigation basically rehashes what the media already has repeated ad nauseam… Robert Card was hearing voices, his behavior had regressed, and his family and co-workers were concerned about him, worrying he may hurt himself or others.

While grateful for the IG’s recap, it was the one and only new piece of information that the IG provided that really matters. The IG, unlike anyone on the State of Maine’s Independent Commission, at least, finally, let us know what Card had been diagnosed with.  Here’s how it went for the Army Sergeant.

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