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Tag: State of Florida

AbleChild Required to Take a Stand to Defeat “Proposition 4” in Florida General Election

August 25, 2024


Both Sides of the Issue

Say Yes to 4.

Say NO to 4 for us!

When AbleChild helped pass the first law of its kind on informed consent and psychiatric drugs, “the prohibition on mandatory medication” that is attached to the Individuals with Disability Act (IDEA), just talking about the wrongful and dangerous use of psychiatric drugs on children was taboo. But the issue crossed all political lines and became what AbleChild considered a human rights violation. Today, a piece of legislation is making its way through the Florida legislature that AbleChild feels compelled to speak about – Amendment 4 “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.”

AbleChild has a history of standing up for issues of Informed Consent. The organization worked with a Democrat Governor, House, and Senate in Connecticut to pass a measure that would get the 1-800 MEDWATCH number placed on all prescription drugs so that consumers would have the ability to report side effects to the only “consumer driven” program that monitors drug safety.  AbleChild strongly believes in open conversations, where no issues are off the table, even those that are not supported by lawmakers.

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